WP's HP: www.fen-net.de/walter.preiss | [Anny Duperey]

WP's Anny Duperey



Pas folle la guêpe

Marthe - the vamp

Pas folle la guêpe, 1972

Enchanting and fascinating Marthe in Pas folle la guêpe, Engl.: Just a matter of time.

Die zauberhafte und faszinierende Marthe in Nur eine Frage der Zeit.




Un éléphant ça trompe énormément

Anny Duperey - Pardon mon Affaire

Face of Beauty
Charlotte, the beauty

Blue eyes
Anny Duperey - Woman in Red

Anny Duperey, 1976


Anny Marilyn Duperey
Anny 'n motion: Dancing Queen



Enjoy THE scene from Pardon mon Affaire.

Das ist DIE Szene aus Ein Elefant irrt sich gewaltig.




La Guerre de Troie n'aura pas lieu

Eye catching apple of discord - Beautiful Helen of Troy in No War in Troy or Tiger at the Gates.

Der ins Auge springende Zankapfel - die Schöne Helena in Der Trojanische Krieg findet nicht statt.

Anny Duperey as Helen of Troy
Janine Brillet, Télé-7-Jours, Paris: »The dramatic performances are magnificent at all: One couldn't have imagined a better one as Hélène - downright the symbol of beauty - than Anny Duperey.«

German TV magazine GONG 15/1982, April 18th 1982

Helen of Troy
Hélène d'Troie, 1981




Le démon dans l'île

Extraordinary occurences around fascinating Dr. Gabrielle Martin in The Demon of the Island.

Dramtische Ereignisse um die faszinierende Dr. Gabrielle Martin in Der Dämon der Insel.

In bath
Best actress; prix du suspense, Avoriaz, 1983



La Seconde

Elegant and most beautiful as Fanny in Colette II.

Damenhaft und wunderschön as Fanny in Die Andere.

Like a painting - bildschön
Anny Duperey - ladylike

Lady in Silver
Anny Duperey, 1990




Une famille formidable

Lady in blue
Season 5, 2002

Lady in yellow
Dr. Catherine Beaumont

The face
Anny Duperey

Red is beautiful
Anny Duperey, 2002

Lady in orange
Season 7, 2007

Lady in green
Une famille formidable




©WP (1998 -) 2012
Update: V8.4, 2012-03-02

Anny D