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Some additional screenshots.
Enjoy by all means the (unofficial) French
Anny Duperey fan site http://anny-duperey.chez-alice.fr with a lot of
images, info and links.
The (unofficial) French »Une famille formidable« fan site www.unefamilleformidable.fr is
worth a visit as well.
And in no case forget to throw a glance on Corbis for a lot
of press photos free of charge.
For info and autographs - the agency: CINEART (www.cineart.fr)
Filmography: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Even more wanted? - Each of the following links will directly lead you to another site hosting images. To avoid to maintain a lot of links only some with big images or interesting info are listed below.
M. Carrington Adolph's fantastic essay A Thousand Ships (Helen of Troy) about Tiger at the Gates and Helen of Troy (photo from 1970(?))
Cover and great photos in the French Vogue, September 1973
A large scale photo of Staley Wise Gallery from Helmut Newton's White Women and the magazine Vogue: Annie Duperey and further great photos in US Vogue, January 1974, photographed in Karl Lagerfeld's flat, 1974
Anny Duperey in Stavisky as Arlette Stavisky dressed in Yves Saint Laurent, 1974
From Stavisky some more big screenshots at Internet Movie Cars Database - IMCDB.org
Woman in Red dancing like Marilyn Monroe - some big screenshots at Internet Movie Cars Database - IMCDB.org out of Pardon Mon Affaire (Un éléphant ça trompe énormément), 1976
Anny Duperey with cat, Chats, photo ca. 1977(?)
As member of the honor committee of SOS Papa (multi-language), statement, 1994(?)
On risbly.com a great PR photo for the play Un mari ideal, (photo No 14), 1995
As patroness of SOS Children's Villages, 2005
As patroness of Le Rire Médecin, (photo from 1994) and current Red Nose photo from 2011
An interview with photo about her career in Les livres du Soir, Le Soir, March 4th 2005
A fine photo from Salon du Livre 2006, Paris: Les Chroniques de Faust
Making-of Les Ames Pixellisées, 2008: photosmichael.blogspot.com
Neil's great photo from Salon du livre à Thénezay, 2009
And here made by Pierre-Jean G.: Anny Duperey
At the Comedie des Champs Elysees, Paris with her daughter Sara Giraudeau in Colombe, (spectacles.premiere.fr), 2010
As model for SOS Children's Villages, 2010: daxon.fr
A high resolution snapshot from 2011: Wikipedia, FR
A series of snapshots from 2012: Foire du Livre - Tour et Taxis
Press photos of various image databases (search for
duperey and giraudeau if necessary):
Images, press photos
Photoshelter.com, great current press
Purepeople.com, great current press photos
Starfacephoto.com, press photos
Wireimage.com, current press photos
Info and photos in various magazines (search for
duperey if necessary):
among others Femmes.com, francessoir.fr, gala.fr, lefigaro.fr,
leparisien.fr, premiere.fr
ELLE.fr, info and photo from 2008
Parents d'ADO, Pédagogies cover issue
February/March 2008 and more inside
Premiere.fr, info, bio and photos
Numerous clips from different broadcasts and movies (just search
for duperey) at:
dailymotion.com, video.google.com, vimeo.com, vivolta.com,
vodeo.tv, wat.tv, youtube.com
Commercial for Aspro Effervescent, 1975
INA - Institut national de l'audiovisuel, numerous French TV broadcasts covering the last decades (also movies for download); search for duperey
Longer clips out of La Brigade des Maléfices - Voir Vénus et mourir, 1970: Vénusine with long blond hair
Various screenshots and sequences out of La rose écorchée, 1969, Les malheurs d'Alfred, 1971, Pas de problème!, 1975, Psy, 1980, Le démon dans l'île, 1983 and many more: http://kebekmac.blogspot.com
A large scale promotion spot (4.7 MB) for SOS Children's Villages, 2003
Short movie Sous mes yeux, France, 2007
Promotion info and spot as patroness of Téléthon 2009, in www.lepopulaire.fr
A visit at her cottage at the Creuse promoting her book Le poile et la plume, HD, 2011
A remarkable collection of photos at acephotos.org
An impressive amount of photos out of TV magazines at bdff
cinema.encyclopedie.personnalites.bifi.fr, with a photo out of the 1970s
Filmographies in German and/or English at:
numerous and big movie images;
search for duperey and click then in »Star« on
Cyranos.ch, biography with filmography in
English and a photo from about 1977/78
Stararchiv of kino.gmx.de, numerous and
big movie images; if necessary search for
A lot of great photos at www.femmes-celebres-40plus.com
French Filmographies with photos at
allocine.fr, with big movie photos
biosstars.com, biography
Cinedestin, filmography with many screenshots. Just do a small
survey in the various columns.
cinefeby.4t.com, with great photo
cinema-francais.fr, with some rare photos
Comoedia.org, wanted poster and address
toutlecine.com, with more rare and big movie photos
French blog with http://anny-duperey.skyrock.com/ with screen shots, photos and info
Archive with great photos and texts from the 1970s and 1980s: Jalou Gallery - L'Officiel de la Mode
Offers for ancient issues of French magazines: Journaux-Collection.com
Une famille formidable Blog and on
tele.premiere.fr a photo gallery
Last, but not least Ministère de la Culture (www.culture.gouv.fr); search for duperey
To Anny Duperey's biography:
©WP (1998 -) 2012
Update: V8.4, 2012-03-02