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Information flow
Image processing: Terms, optical deception, scientific imaging, ...
Humor: Cartoon, comics, text, ...
Internet: Intro, search engines, home page design, tools, (free) virus checkers, ...
PC and techniques: Hardwarebook, standards, battery know-how, ...
Model-making: RAL, Revell, ...
Nature: Schwegler nature conservation products, mineralogy, interesting locations, ...
Maps: Road maps, satellite photos, cycling tours, ...
The sea: Storm tide, sailing vessels, history, images, ...
Private sites: Folks I know, interesting home pages, ...
TV program: What is/was on, where and with whom?
Translation for free: Toll free automatic online translations
BioID, Nuremberg, Germany: optical and acoustic access control (personal ID; former Human Scan, Erlangen)
EMVA Standard 1288: open approach to qualify digital cameras
Filmtechnik (Engl.: Movie making techniques): about professional movie making (in German) by Stefan Neudeck
Framos, Munich: market overview and technical info for machine vision
HENNER.info: the site for hobby photographers with info, tests, ... (in German)
Image Engineering: why 6 megapixel are sufficient enough and even better than more pixel for compact cameras
Deutsches Kameramuseum (Engl.: German Camera Museum), Plech: The collection of Kurt Tauber
Stereoscopic Technologies, Gilching, Germany: 3-D camera moves
Akiyoshi's illusion pages (Akiyoshi Kitaoka, Department of Psychology, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan): optical illusions
Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena (Prof. Dr. Michael Bach, Eye Clinic, University of Freiburg, Germany): optical illusions
FAU, Phil. (Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany): art of photography, history, basics, image processing, links, ... (in German, but worth to visit)
M. C. Escher: gallery of the artist (well-known for his illusion drawings) and links
Filmschule (movie-college.com), Munich: film tricks (in German)
IllusionWorks (if just not available, try the mirror): optical illusions, examples and explanations
Moviephysics: Movie and physical reality
RIT Photo Forum, Rochester Institute for Technology; Andrew Davidhazy: photo gallery with varying exhibits and discussion forum
3D-shape, Erlangen, Germany: high resolution 3D scans of various objects by optical 3D sensors and coherence radar
Eye of Science, Kirchheim, Germany: microscope, underwater and other photos
Nanoworld, University of Queensland: microscope photos (Gallery) with magnifications up to more than x 10 000 and descriptions of the experimental environments
Bursting waterfilled balloon
World wide links, background info, tips and tricks, high-speed imaging samples of this site
More about crash: crash-network.com
Image on the left: High-speed camera shot out of [SloMo Clips]. Recording speed 1 000 frames/sec, original size 512 x 512 pixel.
Engineers and how one recognizes them (shocking, sounds rather familiar to me; partly in German, but whow!)
Rotten (the name is program)
W3C (W3 Consortium): defining the HTML, XHTML and CSS standards
Phase V, powerful, free text based HTML editor (in German)
Selfhtml.org: SELFHTML - Do it yourself home
page and Internet knowledge; powerful, good and, nevertheless, for
free (but in German, French and Spanish only)
Meanwhile updated for HTML 5.0 from Stefan Münz directly
Antivirus software AntiVir, Germany
dnsstuff.com, ask for a domain, domain owner, visit statistics, ...
GOWEB / Inline: extensive hit and link counter, referrer, host, time on page logging, ... free of charge (but in German only)
Tidy, w3: free syntax checker for the HTML text of the home page
Wayback Machine, archive.org: searching for ancient or deceased web sites and contents
Zone Labs, USA: Free private firewall (ZoneAlarm) and other tools for sale
The integrated search engine:
FEN search engine: Search in the Citizens' Net
(Meta-) search engines, also apart from the mainstream - here a
small list in German is to be found
Auf Zu: general view and links to semiconductor manufacturers, distributors and translation services and dictionaries/encyclopaedias as well (in German)
Batteryuniversity.com, battery know-how
Lead free: RoHS and WEEE compliant appliances, short information for endusers
c't: computer magazine (Heise Verlag): great download offer (in German)
Ergonomics norms: error classes for flat panel displays (ISO 13406-2 superseded by DIN EN ISO 9241-303), ... (in German)
HwB Hardwarebook (founded by Joakim Oegren): »greatest« free list in the Internet about pin out of connectors and cables in the PC, video and audio field (effective ca. turn of the millennium)
IP Schutzklassen (Internal Protection): definition, similarity and relation to NEMA norms (safety of appliances) (in German)
NASA FEMCI Book, finite element analysis how-to, background, ...
techfacts.net, IT forum and basic info (in German)
Miniature Wonderland, Hamburg: model railway at its best
Miniatur-Erlebniswelt, Dietenhofen (near Nuremberg): very large N model railway and model making lessons in German)
Modellbahn-Portal.de: German model railway portal (mainly in German)
RAL colors:
(some kind of German government standard; therefore partly in
Presentation of the classic RAL colors Kern Gmbh, Großmaischeid, Germany
Revell: Revell home page, Germany; Revell international: Revell home page, USA
Bilder der Welt - wr Presse: some like it cold, Reinhardt Wurzel
TU Clausthal: mineralogy exhibition
National Geographic: photos and global info material
PRTR.bund.de: official map of pollution in Germany
Schwegler: nature conservation products
(It needn't be Google Earth all the time ;-)
Here some tips for trips round
Bayern Viewer: free, official map and air photo material of Bavaria (Southern Germany; in German): Geodaten.bayern.de
Map and data material of Germany (in German): Geoportal.bund.de
Nuremberg: www.nuernberg.de - cycling
Bicycle race »Rund um die Nürnberger Altstadt« (Engl.: Around the Nuremberg Old Town)
MTB downhill with Lift in Osternohe near Nuremberg: www.bikepark-osternohe.de
nuernbergluftbild.de: Nuremberg and the region in airborne photos
www.frankenalb.de: Nürnberger Land - Nuremberg County
www.fraenkische-schweiz.com: Franconian Switzerland
www.birgland.de: Highlands in Western Upper Palatinate
www.fraenkischeseen.de: Franconian Lake County
www.sandachse.de: Sand Axis Franconia
www.birdinggermany.de/Mohrhofweihergebiet.htm: Naturschutzgebiet (Engl.: nature reserve) Biengarten near Höchstadt an der Aisch
FAV walking paths in Middle Franconia (Nuremberg) and surroundings
Verkehrsrelikte: railroad, road, canal and other traffic relicts in Germany (also in the Nuremberg region)
www.naturschutzzentrum-wengleinpark.de: Naturschutzgebiet (Engl.: nature reserve) Wengleinpark (for walking only) in Eschenbach near Hersbruck (east of Nuremberg)
Erdsicht: (Engl.: earth view) world wide airborne photos
geoportail.fr: free map material of France
Digtital Globe: satellite and air photo samples of the whole world (ex Globe Explorer)
ex Mappoint + Mapblast, now Bing: navigation aid world-wide
Stadtplandienst: (Engl.: City Map Service) city maps of Germany on really map quality level
Maltese Falcon: Dyna-Rigg noble sailing yacht and even nobler Concept C.2157
ESYS - Sailing: including vessels, history, images and info
Storm tide: the German coast through the centuries (in German)
CCInfo: Christoph Caspari explains ... [in German] (guided by the same motivation like me)
Face Detection: Robert, the image processing guru
Haui: all the time hanging in the rope - may the force be with him
Jens: JVP GmbH, Flying Doctor Service for computers and their users
Mangokun: cats
Ucke HP: physic toys (link collection)
Euro TV: current programs of various national (German) and international European television stations; database, ...
FilmDB.de: Filmdatenbank, TV and movie database (in German)
IMDb: Internet Movie Database of (TV-) movies, artists, ...
OFDb: Online-Filmdatenbank, TV and movie database (in German)
Prisma: German and European television stations; current program schedules and preview; movie database, ... (in German)
TV-Foren: TV discussion forum, current channels and oldies, ... (in German)
TVinfo: comprehensive TV channel overview for Germany, ... (in German)
tvtv: current TV channel overview of various national (German) and European TV stations; database, ...
Overview/link collection: Zentral and Landesbibliothek Berlin
Babelfish: text and site translations
Bab.la: various language pairs and context translations
dict.cc: English/German dictionary with audio feature by Paul Hemetsberger and users
Free translators: list of text and site translators
LEO: English/German dictionary and others
Phrasen: English and German phrases, expressions and idioms in translation
Reverso: various language pairs
Unidict: German/English with technical terms section and examples of phrasing
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Update: V8.4, 2012-03-02